Birth of a new species
2016, mixed media, soundtrack, 240 cm.
A dynamic composition of a pedestal composed of a wifi set, a bizarre sculpture of a female figure with serpentine shapes protruding from her belly, topped with a porcelain head of a baby doll. The female figure appears to be dressed in a latex suit, evoking a BDSM or scifi-punk aesthetic. The expressive shapes are a manifestation of liveliness and animal spontaneity. The sculpture is essentially a surrealist vision of the brutal act of childbirth by caesarean section, but this theme is more a vehicle for visually testing the audience and its aesthetic boundaries than a political and social appeal, but it may raise questions about the extent to which manipulations of human reproduction are tolerable. The optical instability of the cascading composition creates tension, a metaphorical reflection on the precariousness of human existence.
The hi-fi device is functional and, when plugged in, underscores the object with a quiet industrial soundtrack.